Happy New Year!!!
>> December 31, 2009
To all my friends,family n everyone else out there!!!
To all my friends,family n everyone else out there!!!
Isn't it amazing how life never fails to surprise us with its topsy-turvying circumstances?!
Do I really want to do what I think I want to do?
Suddenly I am asking myself this question because it is that time of my life again.
That time when everybody has to decide what do they really want to do in life, where do they really want to go n blah blah blah.
Life is not about the times that you BREATHE. Its about the times that TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY!"
Once upon time I guess I should start referring that way coz it seems that old.I used to be so cheerful n bright.Though I m more better in every single other thing but lacking that cheerfulness turns everything down.When my friends started asking about this I didn’t care. When my parents asked I was not bothered.
Does everything end in life if we don’t get what we want.Or if our beliefs turn wrong.Wondering why I had changed so much?I didn’t find an answer. Thats the lie I have been telling myself. My heart knows why this is all happening.
Only thing is accepting the reality is always tough. I didn’t deal with things when I had too. I couldn’t .I simply replaced things. But even when the replacement fails us and specially when you don’t have any more replacements or substitutes that’s when you’re like this. At least like me.
I used to wonder often Probably whether I became more worldly wise, street smart and savvy. There r moments when I don’t know whether they r real or anybody else feel the way I feel.But whatever it is I need to deal with this and certainly my best friend has helped me do it.
When you're down,and the world seems dark and empty,Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit.And that’s wat she did. Thanks a lot.You mean a great deal to me n never felt this close to u.I don’t take time or anything to tell u this considering I have never told you really mean a lot to me.I also take a minute here to apologize for all the odd behavior or anything done against you.
Read more...Ten years later, they’re still together…
The Girl in the Mirror
She looks at herself in the full length mirror that hangs from her bedroom wall.
Completely naked and exposed, yet confident.
She’s older than she was five years ago, but feels much younger.
And she thinks momentarily about the different men who held her in front […]
Marc N Angel!!!
I almost forgot..i gt my results n i did clear after all.. hopefully i do the same this tym too..
Read more...To start of with-2 states the story of my marriage....Normally, Im not the book review types- atleast not blog about it. But this book was so good, I couldnt help myself.I picked up 2 states…by Chetan Bhagat (5 point someone fame) The book has a very simple premise as mentioned in the blurb. ..Boy loves Girl, Girl loves boy, they get married, but in India ...the boy+girl+families from both sides gotta love everyone else ...remotely connected for it to work out. ...CB has played out the characters smartly with a role reversal ( Boy is from North –punjab & girl is Tam Bram) which well seems to be the opposite in most cases in reality[talking out of experience] ... From the meeting in a B School to juggling high flying corporate careers and weird families..Reading about the exaggerated stereotyping of South Indians was a little insulting [cb mentioned its nt to insult but still..]and amusing at the same time. I couldn’t help but agree with the observations made....‘Knowledge is what Tam Brams seek...Education is the highest honour’ to ‘ Dark and Mustached and Rajini worshipping’. The scenes of a punjabi struggling in chennai – autos/no non veg/no beer + ultra conservative had me smiling the entire time. ..there is a scene in Ratna Stores – the beloved wholesale utlity store,the loyola college location to the guindy iit...the karpagambal mandapam.. famous for the brams..mylapore.. thrown in to complete the Chennai experience...there has been an excess family drama thrown in for good measure, mother vs girlfriend will make the concerend reader squirm endlessly.... the romance between the two is brought out very neatly with of course the physical intimacy teasingly left to the readers imagination.[:P] i m quite imaginative..Girls would melt on antics don by the protagonist to win over the family of the his girlfriend.. Guys would be up the entire night having to listen to their girlfriends on the above. Boy takes tuitions for girls brother for IIT coaching at 5 in the morning..man what some guys do to get a girl..Id sacrifice 5 years of my life rather than getting up at 5 in the morning.... unless there was another book like this to read or something! I deliberately don’t want to give away the plot, its fairly simple... but wish to highlight that this book will closely connect to so many people out here in India who face the same issue that the couple face in the book.Sply ppl out der in my college... The beauty of the book is the way it is handled sply the english is simple...n i ve never laughed so much for a book..sply the part where the kasi yatra is done..n those mickey mouse dancing..lol.. ananya loves disney characters.. My god..My favourite book ever.. I actually found myself looking for clues on how to deal with such issues from the book ....like im sure a lot of guys in the boys place would..Highly engrossing and very lump-in-throat.... this book is a winner from the page 1. ....Would make a great gift to your someone special and a good hint hint book too .....Highly Recommended Reading. Dedicated to everyone who went through what Krish and Anaya went through Need I say more?Guess u guys understood i m so in love with this book.. n wit udhayanidhi stalin..he's so cute.. cant help myself..lol.. I drank bacardi..it just tasted like lemonade..heard its gt 20% alchohol though..n btw i gt a sound sleep after that waking up early heading to college to get my hall ticket wit a terrible headache.. I am so gonna get screwed btw...exams n havent touched my buks yet...i m supposed to b studying nw instead of blogging.. n theres lot to update here though..its been ages i miss blogging, i miss my frends,i miss my life..i dnt wanna sound all crappy but really wish everythng wud be normal.. how hard it is to meet ppl's eyes n talk when u have so much in your heart to tell them but you know you shouldnt n cant.. trust me..its real hard..n u run out of speeches.. hope it doesnt continue for long..u know i sumtyms evn get to thinking that ppl r betraying but then i m nt that bad chooser..everything has a solution n i ve decided time is the best solution for this.. n coming to updates..i got a psp.. dnt even know y.. by d way i m taking up driving classes..promised myself i wud get a car next yr.. hopefully..may b finally..lol.. n window shopping wit nisha..fun as always[thnks nish,luv ya]... Skywalk mall..its a real cool place..cant wait to watch a movie wit her der..n i like that food debit crds..its a lot easier..had a gud tym there. When relationships take a tym off n its tym to decide stuff..how d hell do u ve to understand that ppl r avoiding.. r they busy? or really avoiding? i dunno how to judge or even i hve to judge.. i never had problems like these before..I started missing bharath a lot..i wish he's here.. he always helped me wit my decisions.. n i miss him d most wen i need some one to tak to..n i am gonna stop complaining n i btr get bk to my dreaming session wit my buks... i am gonna try n be gud n cheerful..i m better than this... i can be better than this.. time is the best healer..!!!!
Read more...Its been a lazy weekend wanting to rest n couldn do it really for some reason.Ok here is my confusion.I dunnno y i m confused.i seemed to be happy n filled with joy.But somehow there is something which puts me off. I try to realize it n make myself feel better..But i fail each time.I tried talking to friends n for every reason i dont know.May b i think there is really nothing but still y am i not excited or not enthusiastic which i usually am.Whatever..i need to figure this out.N i keep thinking i need to do this n here i am still trying.. Bday was over.. It was gud day.Thnkz to nish[sry couldn take u out] aadhi,joel[sply for the teddybear] anbu[ll neva forget that u slept],n d two ppl who wished me first.. Love you guys.. Made it my day.Ok i have read this shiv kera book"you can win" like two yrs bak.. N this bday i got it as a present..Its different wen i read it now.. Is it that really i m grown up??lol..Had a blasting day at coll..Thnks to my seniors..[ i ll miss u guys] N thnkz to moni n sindhu..who got stuck up wit me for most of the day.Ok now i feel better than i was while starting this post..Hear that coll is giving a week of hols coz of swine flu..wish its true..Fingers crossed..My ipod is really helping me out so much these days..I can live with out a cell phone..not without the ipod..Thats d condition now.. Hate that i cant take it to the coll..i really miss it..N i owe it to the person who got me..Thnk u.. N btw i wanna start something new..something lyk a class or some hobby..suggestions r welcome..just to keeep me regular..Internals r over n this week will b getting my marks.. i ve done it pretty decent well including the cheating part.. N i need to congratulate MONICAA.. that girl is really awesome.. i m getting to know her these days pretty well n i m liking her..Wish we could b gud[best] friends.. post is getting longer n boring..so i ll saybye here.. got relational algebra n a messed up room to work on..!!!
Read more...I always liked a fwded msg.I had it stored n each tym i do i lose d mobile.But i feel like i need to put that down in my blog today dunno ?.Sply today.Its just a fwd n i dont even learn anything form that.Its just i like it but its weird that i am thinking it to post here. Anyway i ll figure it out soon.Hope atleast.
After a long tym i m posting thats coz its nish's bday today..I m happy that she is my best friend on earth wateva happens..Happy Bday nish!!! i love you so much!! Ur the best thing ever happened to me who ll stay ever with me.I don't even remeber how *we got to b frends may b thatsy we r still together..I owe it to the science project we did to together that made us close. though i dont talk to her much nor text her she is always my best.Being a friend is not about just sharing a joke,a conversation,or going shopping.It means sharing a honest and true part of yourself which she always did.I promise her i ll always b there for her the same way.Many more happy returns of the day.its just another day of the year.But the best day of the year.A Birthday is A Million Moments, Each holding A Promise Of Fulfillment Of UR Dreams.
Happy birthday once again sweety!!!! i love you so much!!!! Muaaaaahhh!!!
Well here i am..Exams almost over..[no comments] i ve one today at 10.00 and i am in no mood to study..Its been like i ve been out of the blogosphere. What is it lately with guys i don't know.. What is it with all my x xxxxx xxxx crushes coming back with a warm welcome note.. Okay guys u need to slow down.. Too much of anything is not good not for me..How come all the guys in my life disappear and at the same time reappear.. The problem is not reappearing but why at the same time.. Any way bored of that..most of them dont look the same way they used too..so out of the crush list..speaking of crushes..Whats wrong with the splitsvilla??? anybody plz answer me..what the heck is siddarth and sakshi going to do in a show on mtv..?? Joanna looks damn sexier than the *****.Mohit is lot more hottttttt than siddarth???[common gals siddarth with his teeth n yukk..!!! i cant even compare] The finalae..i didnt like it much..!! Joanna was damn sexier n ofcourse she danced liked a professional dancer!! t'was not fair..!!! i am not gonna watch mtv..oops cant do that may b splitsvilla anymore if there is a next season.n sonel of roadies 5.0 is back in fast and the gorgeous..!!! N there's one more interesting thing..I lost my wallet n phone Again.Guess where ... is easy the same place!!! Ma college!!! i wasnt lazy this time to get the same number.i did it pretty much the same evening!i think i need to stop this n go on with kirchoff's law and ohms law!! May be i ll get a life if i do that!! So adios!!!
Read more...Happiness is just one shade, there are so many other variations of feeling good.And you just know there are certain things u would love to do and u know it for sure that it would make you feel good.one such thing is this post about.Power shut down and i couldn stay indoors.I went to the terrace seeing people already there in a conversation i joined them.The clock was ticking ,voices becoming slow and sleepy.Soon i was the only one left.Since i was bored of texting i started listening to the ipod. I just lay down on my back.Omg.. i realized i had always wanted to do that and there i was gazing into the dark sky with shining stars above me.What a beautiful night it was!! The moon covered by the passing clouds.The breeze blowing my hair all over my face.Between intervals airplanes passing by with their flickering lights.Letting my imagination run wild i discovered various cartoons,persons, animals including a dragon in those misty clouds.My feet tapping to the rthym of the song i was listening, the wind blowing and i could never ask for better moment of life than that.It was a great feeling.It was amazing.Peaceful.I felt like i had experienced something new.The feeling of silence,peace,the music,the chill breeze,dark sky everything was great.It was more than happiness could give. I've heard through out my life that you CAN find happiness or good in all things regardless. But that idea, I think, is just a way for many people to deal with the grief stricken times or things in life.If only we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time.
Read more...How many of you seriously believe Prabhakaran died.? I dont completely.The media has been giving various info.Infact i read different papers n they had me convinced sometimes i should say.And rajpakse has addressed saying the defeat of LTTE and Prabhakaran is not the defeat of tamil ppl.I dont understand how it isnt?? And the fake IPL player did a shadow mystery n shut it off.I was badly hoping to know who it was n he let me down too.Anyway the shadow mystery is interesting too.There were summer showers twice this week n smoothened up the climate.i enjoyed the rain really today evening.Smooth but made me feel sultry.Weekend.I had plans for a movie unfortunately i watched the movie twice before the plan schedule.Once with the family n once with college folks.I hate to admit i ve to reschedule the plan which i dont know how to tell the person who was supposed to accompany me.Hope i m not disappointing.I have become crazy on this song "Vaa Vaa en Devathaiyae" from "Abhiyum Naanum" . I doesnt have the greatest or the best music or video but the best lyrics.Every word is lyk reading out a word from my life journal better to say from my dad's.I associate myself with this movie specially its got my name.There's one more reason.People who know me know i am Daddy's girl. [Little more crazy than the usual] The movie is sought of my life in frames.Not the latter part though coz i havent reached up to that age yet to experience it, but i am pretty sure it will happen that way if thats the situation. I put myself to sleep everyday just listening to that song almost several times.Btw i hve to [had too long b4] mention thanks for the ipod..its awesome n the best gift next to the basket ball ofcourse.Its bcum my best frieeeeeeend these days.Thank you so much.I owe you a lot.i know i dont make sense with all this continously.I started off somewhere n ending it somewhere.Since i am going to chat now..i think i ll brk off now n may b update l8tr..Happy weekend guys..
Read more...Life can be said to be like an enormous mansion,containing hundreds and hundreds of rooms.And in which each room containing fragments of our experiences and memories.We usually leave those rooms opened to remind ourselves of the good memories we shared with others.But some rooms contain so much misery,pain or desolate moments that we prefer to keep them closed and locked up.We should never forget that these rooms are also part of the mansion, and therefore part of our lives.In time,these locked rooms will directly or indirectly consume our joy and happiness gradually.What we do not know is that we hold the Master key to all rooms.Those rooms do not have to be locked up forever.Regardless of what those rooms hold inside them,it is never impossible to open them like the other rooms.If you have hurt somebody and it is the the guilt that haunts you,find the person and make it up to them.If its the other way forgive it and let that bitterness fade that will make you more specialfrom others.If its the love you lost from someone, make yourself available for greater love to find you.If you have been living in obscurity or have been intimidated by the people around you be thankful for they have made a starting point for you to start shining.So no matter what cirumstances are,it doesnt matter how many rooms we have ,but how many rooms we choose to unlock.The number of rooms left opened will determine how positive our outlook towards life is.This will then lead to living a happy and joyful life.
As i was strutting
Down a route,
I notices i had left trails
On the undried mud,
There i stood,
Retracing my engraved hardened footprints.
I found myself
Sailing in a boat
Holding a compass
Which does not point north.
As it led me further,
I realised
I was digging deep into the soil
With the treasure in my hands,
There i observed,
Predators do not always
Feed on prey
But also on their own kind.
As i continued,
I realised I did not
Belong there anymore
But somewhere else,
So i chose the path
Which led me through
The unexplored and unchartered route
There i am,
I had grown up.
Ps: Belated mothers day wishes to all the wonderful moms out there and of course to my mom also..
How much i hate myself for not getting to vote today! I am 18 n i cant vote..I know thats bad..I didn't apply for the Voters Id when my father kept telling me more than a thousand times i suppose..N i heard of the online registration very late.I heard i could vote if i had my passport for identification..I was thrilled to get to vote first time n everything was shattered in a minute when my dad told me i should register my name first.My name was not on the voters list.. :( Any way that was the fault of the election commission.They didnt register my name infact they didnt come to my place at all..I could give few more reasons to convince myself that its not my fault though it is mine..Not me exactly.I ll blame my laziness may be..May be i will get to vote next time n listen to my father when he says to do something...N one more big thing..DON'T BE LAZY ABENAYA..GROW UP..LOL!!!! Any way people please do vote..... Happy voting..N all the best to every candidate..Sply to my fav ones..May be i should tell Best of luck..lol..
Read more...Yet another Semester is almost over n stepping into the second yr.. With my practicals almost over and my sem exams approaching Yesterday i got my First sem results [Came out atlast after all the controversies and students strike]With luck by my side i happened to clear all my papers.I really must say luck coz after all those talking n giggling i had during the exam session without studying a word i happened to pass with a percentage of 78.4.. lucky me..i know.. Its been a time pass semester..Mostly never attended college n still i havent been notified of lack of attendance.[Again i m lucky..] A good end to the semester n hope i would do better this semester..All good things come to an end...!!!!
Read more...I am an august baby!!! [Not to be taken literally] I happened to read a mail about the personality of the people born in each month.
For August Babies...
outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. no self control. kind hearted. self confident. loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful. easy to get along with and talk to. has an "everything's peachy" attitude. likes talking and singing. loves music. daydreamer. easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. loves to be loved. hates studying. in need of "that someone".longs for freedom. rebellious when withheld orrestricted. lives by "no pain no gain" caring. always a suspect. playful. mysterious. "charming" or "beautiful" to everyone. stubborn. curious.independent. strong willed. a fighter.
Most of it is true i guess... Except that i never long for freedom..and i dont hate studies..not goody doody though.. but i never really hated it..
Anyone want to know yours ask me i ll fwd d mail...To mention i had to repost this mail to 5 ppl to meet my love of my life... I guess i dont wannna meet him..too lazy ..
P.S :- I guess i am doing too much of blogging.. Will try to stay off for few more days.:p at the least..!!!! Adios`~`
I have officially become the textual offender..!!!!
Oh Boy!! I have started texting a lot lately!Phew!! Warning Declared!! :p
Madness is becoming my gift!!!!! Oooohhhh lalalala :p
Ofcourse with reference to above - Brilliance is becoming my curse. [I know u r thinking When was i?? Think you need to!!! ROFL ]
Read more...I happened to come across the blog of the fake IPL player.. I read all the posts which happened to take most of my time today..Real Fake as termed..But the way the posts are structured..Too professional..He's really got a disclaimer and allthose pseudoname..
Vinnie Dildo/ Badsaah Dildo - Shah Rukh
KhanKishen Kanhaiyya - Ravi Shastri
Lord Almighty - Ganguly
Sheikh of Tweak - Shane Warne
Bevdaa - Jessie Ryder
Big Sister - Shilpa Shetty
Calypso King - Gayle
Mr. Batlivala - Mallaya
Prince Charles of Patiala - Yuvraj Singh
Little Monster - Sachin
Pedophile Priest - GilCHRIST
Little John - Ishant Sharma
Kaan Moolo - Agarkar
Appam Chutiya - Sreesanth
Phoren babas - McCullum & Buchanan
RDB - Ranadeb Bose
Mira Bhai - Harbhajan Singh
Sandy Baddy Babe - Mandira Bedi
He claims himself as one of the players off KKR.. And still they are yet to find..His writings prove that he is proud and still no one has caught him..But inspite of all this cheap publicity??What is behind this? Is it one of the marketing strategies??All those recent controversies makes the fake IPL player the mother of all..There are abusive words used and the writing differs from the beginning to the recent..Humour quotient is seen missing in the recent posts.Though i dislike this cheap strategy i am still curious who the person is.And hate to deny i enjoy reading it infact i am following it..Everything has an end..With that i think i have had enough of blogging today..Adios!!!
There are people whom you think you can never forget in your life what may come...
You talk for hours, you laugh, you joke, you cry, you have a good time together.
You grow closer to each other...Start trusting, Feel others thoughts, share more than your life ...anything and everything.
You don’t give a damn to anything else when the person needs you,Your there and they r there for u..You know each others thoughts...
Life without them becomes impossible at first,later they become inseparable part of your life..They are a big part of it like your parents,like your boyfriend or girl friend.They are not just any friend,You consider them BEST friend.
Fights come and go..But that doesn’t change anything. Egos fight but still get over it..In spite of all this it seems like nothing will ever change forever..And truly believe that FOREVER has no deadline at all.. It like beyond anyone’s reach.
What you forget is GOD has own plans and life takes you in its own rules.
What it was FOREVER is now just a moment for eternity.
One day...Believe me there is a day where nothing is the same...
Nothing is officially announced. All you need to have is little commonsense to understand what’s lifes rules are like..Try bending them n you will always keep trying..
Yes you would miss them definitely..What else did you expect??? Days go by.. Don’t bend your rules now..Tired of bending life’s rules..Ego’s turn up.. And starts playing its rule perfectly. Pain its not the same anymore..You get to be shrewd..Silent..Lose faith in forever..somehow you stop believing in the terms “Best friend”/”soul mate”... Somehow you never want anyone in your life anymore..
Your mind knows you better...Starts questioning you why,how,when,if????? You wll keep searching for answers all through you life and will never get the exact answer you need coz you know the answer already....The million answers you receive will not soothe your pain nor will get that one person to you.
Inspite of all this I am not afraid of pain,not afraid of losing hope,faith trust...All i am afraid of is that today i am still missing him....But what if tomorrow i wont.
And it hurts so much when they don’t ....
Adding fuel to the flames is a part where they never talk to you about this and it hurts more when you really act like everything is better
There comes a point in your life when you realize:
Who matters,
Who never did,
Who won't anymore....
And who always will..
Lose them in the crowd...
And there's one stop solution
It will force you to accept and move forward.
All is fair in love and war... No even in FRIENDSHIP...
May be freindship is not to last long..Maybe it has an expiry date too..
Someone once asked a learned man
When is it time to end a friendship?
The man smiled and replied
When you get that sneaky feeling that in never really began.
A best friend is none but the best among the few we have,He may not be a messiah but a simple human being with his own set of emotions and perceptions that reason those emotions.Even if he is your soul mate..Yes i do accept we guys see through two different set eyes!But still isnt it accepting who you are than making the other change is friendship..To accept the absense is real gift coz thoughts over it would gift you fake promises and bewildered mind!Emotionally turbulent mind fails to think logically!!
I am living my life yet it is beautiful... Still lot more to go n i know i can still love my life with more passion and pride!!! Adios!!!!~
I get up and out of bed,
Try to forget all those things we said.
It's now over for good,
I promised myself to leave it right there here I stood.
People always tell me things will get better,
But I find myself writing and deleting letters
How did we fall so far apart,
You left me not knowing where to start.
I am here now trying to find out how to survive,
And struggling to just keep myself alive.
I remember when you were a hero in my eyes,
You were always there to give me a suprise.
But those are just long lost memories of mine,
Maybe this is our life design.
I spent so many days cold and lonely,
I believed that you were my one and only.
There are some things in my head
I'll take it till life ends
But it won't be all that love that I gave.
You made me so emotionless,
And you gave me all this stupid stress.
I try to believe in things I can't see,
But is there even hope for me!
My back is up against a wall,
And it's hard for me to keep thinking all
Life just isn't worth it anymore,
You left me standing at the door.
You said it's time to say goodbye,
And I just wondered... why???
And i still wonder and will forever...
1. Where is your cell phone? On the Bed
2. Your significant other? Fascinating
3. Your hair? Irresistable..lol i know..
4. Your mother? Real SweetHeart
5. Your father? The Best
6. Your favorite? Movie Nights
7. Your dream last night? Nthn that i remember
8. Your favorite drink? Coffee
9. Your dream/goal? Endless
10. What room you are in? Clumsy
11. Your hobby? Books
12. Your fear? Loneliness
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Some place where u can find true ppl
14. Where were you last night? Home
15. Something that you are not? Soft spoken
16. Muffins? Dee-li-cious
17. Wish list item? nthn on d list ryte now..[Unbelievable..i know..:p]
18. Where you grew up? Che--ennaaa---iiii
19. Last thing you did? Talking on the phone
20. What are you wearing? B-l-u-e
21. Your TV? on N on N on
22. Your pets? F-R-I-E-N-D-S
23. Friends? Oly Nish Forever
24. Your life? No Definition [Not an understatement]
25. Your mood? Lazy
26. Missing some one? Nope
27. Car? Dad's
28. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
29. Your favorite store? Any place where they allow me to shop for free..[Day Dreaming..]
30. Your favorite color? Blue Black
31. When is the last time you laughed? Few months ago... Trust me its true..
32. Last time you cried? Today [Deeeeeep--resssssseeeeeeeeddddddd]
33. One place that I go to over and over? College... Almost everyday..Not that i like too
34. One person who texts me regularly? Aaddi
35. My favorite place to eat?Anyplace where fooood is edible.
36. My favorite food? J-U-N-K
I Tag
Yup.. Atlast i saw the movie swapnakuddu.. It was not what i picturised but still i loved the movie.Thnkz for the dvd A***.And those thumb rings where reallie so cute thnkz.Luy ya sooooo much.Thnkz for the pain u took to find the dvd for me. Can never forget it. And my culturals is postponed to 28th. Next week my 1st sem results.. Fingers crossed.Too scared.Hoping for the best.
Read more...Its been along time.For a few known reasons and few unknown reason i didnt blog.And lately i havent been myself.Acting kinda strange and i dont seem to be doing my daily routines or do my interests in certain things is not the same.Believe it or not i dont like chocolates these days. Here for the days i missed certain updates which i remember and want to put it down.Meet n Greet!!! Wondering what it is? Is the event management company i started.Well its kinda we started.Nisha and me.It was fun doing it with her though we didnt do much just the visiting cards,portfolio,letter head and stuff.We designed a logo for our company.Already posted it. Just waiting for our first client.Hope everything turns fine.I had my first internal exams for this semester.I am disappointed with myself for what i have written. A crap paper is what i have done.Thoroughly disturbed and lack concentration[Atleast thats what i have been saying to myself for not doing the things i should be doing.].College is turning out a night mare.I have a lack of attendance.Dunno how??Confused and dazed seriously i have some trouble.Yet my previous sem results are not out which is putting me into a more tensed state along with whatever i am experiencing already.Heard my college culturals is this weekend.Just before the internal exams one of my friends left this world in cowardly act which no one expected from him.Seeing him as a person who can stand up for his own faults and always a brave person i/we never imagined such a thing would happened.I hate him for what he did.If he had known the situation now i dont think he would have even thought about leaving all of us. The last day he atteneded college he spent that evening with me.It was a memorable day.Teasing and kidding all over the whole journey home with him,How much i had fun and giggled.Now the same train compartments where we laughed and enjoyed is just filled with mourning posters of him.Its such a disgrace.Any way he is left the world.May his soul rest in peace.Williams--- You ll always be remembered.I always wanted to watch this movie Sawpnagudu almost for two to three yrs i guess i have been searching and asking everyperson i know for this movie dvd.Finally the wait is over.One of my freinds got the dvd for me and i would be getting it in a day or two.Waiting to watch it. I dont get much time to talk to my father[since i spend most of the time alone in confusion] these days and the few mins i hardly talk to him i started pestering him to get me an ipod touch. Since i lost my ipod nano.I have been asking him almost from the day i lost the nano.Though i was patient and i could hardly be these days.There was this guy who kept talking to me about bose earphones and i hardly took any notice of it.He told me he had got it.Didnt make any impact on me.Yester day i was on the way to the college.There was a senior whom i knew in the train.I saw him listening to his ipod[where i remembered that i should go home and ask my dad to get me one] . I borrowed it from him to listen to a few songs.[Realized how much i missed an ipod and in need of one] I just was seeing the ear phones this is when i saw those letters B O S E .I thought atleast now i could check it out how it sounded.Anyway it was great.And now onw more to my shopping list. I am not getting an ipod touch without those earphones.Let God show mercy on me.lol.Hope the wait will be over soon.And yeah i forgot the oscars.I saw the live telecast in the tv bunking my college[now i know y there is a lack of attendace].It was great.Rehman and Resul -The indians -Made us proud.Congrats to all who won the oscars and sply to rehman.Worth the wait.Guess its enuff .. PERIOD. Happy holi .. have fun with colours..
Read more... Thats the logo of the company.Chk out www.meetngreet.webs.com. We organize everything from Social to corporate events.Do Contact us at highlifeunlimited@gmail.com
History Question to the future..
Who was America's 44th president?
Who was the first African American president?
Ok here goes the Answer..
Barack Hussain Obama..
Obama is officially the president of USA from today..
An hour back i was watching the oath administration on tv to the President and the Vice president of the United States Of America.Joe Biden is the Vice president.
GoD bless Amercia and the world..Good luck OBAMA..
I was literally hating her today morning and now i love her again...Thats her specialty and my weirdness..lol.. I know ppl cant understand whom i am referring to ..Its better that way..After a long time i went to the beach today and it was awesome..Usually Me Suzy and Nish hang out It is our regular meeting whenever suzy comes down to town..We plan it about two days before and have loads of fun..Today it was different..Suzy wanted us both to meet her new BF..I hated him.. i am sorry suzy..u deserve better.. He was like totally hugging her and all that in public which i hated.. Anyways by the time she was romancing with her new bf , me and nish caught up on who was dating whom and all the lost talk we left..It was awesome..She also hated suzys bf so we were gossiping and forgot the time totally... I realised how much i missed her.. I totally did miss her a lot.. Wish it was those old days again...We were totally bitching about boys,rlationships and the gals we hate..I couldn find the moon today and the tides were exceptionally high.It was gud watching the sunset..I have been to the beach manytimes..I am like always tell ppl how they wud like to cum to the bech with their guys and which i hated..It was too cold and the tides high..Beautiful sunset.I really wished i want a bf who i would sit with hold his hands,talk and talk and enjoy every moment..How I wish i reallie had a bf... lol..May be in dreams.. It was fun today..I got a new wallet..and eyeliner...I was searching for this MAC eyeliner and atlast found it today.. Me and Nish got one while we waited for suzy..Suzy was the one who planned this but she never got time to spend with us.. May be it wud be a better one next time.. Hope so..I missed u Nish.. I am so sorry.. Luv ya alwayzzzzzzzzzzz....
P.S: Nish is going to be single again..whoa..I got back my old friend..
Today was so much fun.. Went to CCD Nugambakkam..And a great thing happened..Met an old friend of mine.. I kept talking to him that i almost forgot the friends i came with. lol sorry guys.. Well we had lot to catch up with and i couldn eat my brownies [:(] Anyway i am so happy that i met him.. He got me a cute ring from a near by boutique..He was kinda dumb lyk me when we were friends.lol thatsy we were friends maybe.. He looked so cute now that i really wanted to keep talking to him..hehe.. He took me home and i got a chance to meet his parents.They were lovely.His mom gave me 1000 bucks..lol..Traditional kumkum and all that.Anyway it was a nice day.And CCD is becoming worse..They dont have anything that is listed on the menu these days.Anything u ask is not available..
Read more...You can't hold onto the past forever
But the past can hold onto you as long
As it wants to
Someone once told me that letting go is easy
I know thats not true
The memories
The fun
The shadows
The mischiefs
Still remain as a stain
On your Heart that wont go away
Don't Let the past destroy you
For it is an old memory
But still cherishable one
Let The past go
Not the smile
Not the memory of it.
P.S: Dedicated to Bharath..
I admit I made a mistake
Over stepping some boundaries
which made me look fake
I always said i would never do the things i did,
And that is the reason it is so hard for you to forgive.
Its been so long,
So many times we said we'd try
Only to turn around
And make each other cry
Remember how it was when we first started out,
So much alike,we shared every thought
We fell so fast,maybe fell in love too soon
Made a huge decision that now we cannot undo.
I admit my mistakes but can you admit yours,
I have paid for what i've done
As you have paid for yours,
So why is it like this,
We cant even talk.
You call me liar and say you don't care
All the while my love for you is still there
I never meant to hurt you,
Never wanted to cause you any pain
Since you left me
My life hasn;t been the same.
I owe you so much,
I have so much to prove to you,
So i will end this with the hardest thing i'll ever have to do,
Goodbye Sweet heart....
I will always be in love with you.
P.S:Dedicated to the person Whom i will always be in love with..
I am sorry for what i did.Will regret forever.Thanks for being there for me.
All most all my main exams are over.. Still 4 more to go.. Coll is really fun these days.I always loved spending time in my room than anywhere else.But now i started loving coll..Its fun and lively and i forget everything about life when i am there.now its about enough of college.. I have been trying to keep up few of my newyear resolutions and almost a week is over and guess i am doing it better.First time i have kept a resolution so long..hehe guess i am growing up.lolz. Me and nisha had a long hearty talk after a long time where we both laughed and was good.We have had difference of opinions in the recent times and this was somehow making up for the lost time. I had been saving up money to get a new ipod and today my dad came and got a good catch of my savings.Once again should start over.Well i had so many plans for that money wanted to get new skirts,ipod touch,external harddrive and headphones.All of these are not possible for sure.Now not even one is possible.Anyways he needed it for some emergency so its ok..Theres always a next time. Guess the next post wil be after 10th..So cya..ADIOS..
Read more...I had to post this yesterday but was too tired and sleepy to do anything.Anyway 2008 is over.Guess it was a pretty good year for me.I learnt life in this year.May be not fully but learnt many things which i should have done long back.The biggest lesson was never believe anyone everyone has a reason for everything.No one is selfless.Welcoming 2009 with exam tensions and hoping it would be a great year for everyone.Resolutions as far as it is concerned spending less,and few other things.Lets wait and see how much i follow.Happy New year.
To the guy whose birthday falls on the last day of the year...
HaPpY BiRtHdAy!! This birthday would have been one of the memorale ones.Hope so!!
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