A tale of love...
>> May 18, 2009
There was this guy who was eligible single and yet not settled in life. Starting up with his career and he had lot of hard work and struggle to face.With luck n blessing he started up a factory and there he was working hard day by day.How they often refer "Get all the ducks in a row" There he was with two ducks already and making way for more.On the other hand there was a cute little girl waiting to be married spending days in her dreams waiting for this prince charming.What she never knew was her prince charming was just her neighbor. The day came where there was official announcement of asking the bride to tie knots followed by engagement.They tied the knots one fine day.Bonds of matrimony was signed like any other bond,But with love.Both started living life and after a year a little baby girl was born.Life went on.The guy still the same old chap who grew up in life with lot of struggle earning a social status,living and enjoying with the family.The cute little girl is a mother of another girl now.How much would they have imagined life would go on.Laughter,fun,sorrow,hardtimes still its a beautiful family with love always.Twenty years have passed and still they live happily ...it will be ever after.Today is their wedding anniversary.Its my MoM n DaD!! It is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year. Whats tough about love is falling in love with a personality is easier than living with a character in marriage.Still they did n i m proud to be their daughter.

HAPPY 20TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TO MY MOM N DAD!!! Luv you always.And you will be the best ever.
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