Stress Buster
>> May 28, 2009
My stress buster is shopping.Quite not shopping.Coz itz sometimes stressful when i do it with my parents or anyother person except Nish.Though it was not a lot of shopping just a few hrs it was fun n really good time we had.After a long time i went out with her today.It felt like ages we had done this.Realizing how much i missed that bond of friendship when i dont keep in touch with people properly shutting out from the outside world.The minute we started out we gossiped,got cosmetics n stuff n had total fun.While i was returning home i was full of energy and felt like i had the whole day ahead.Not a pinch tired though i had been standing for days.Today will be one more memorable day n though i dont have much to write down i want this to be remembered for ever.Thnks for being my best friend nish.Luv ya forever.. N thnks to the person who made me do this.I realized how much i missed it.

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