>> December 15, 2008
I wonder if you think of me
Snazzy tale of self Discovery
>> December 08, 2008
We all have our naughty sides and stories to tell and hide especially when we are turning sixteen.The ever growing list of crushes secrets we share with our best friends,school,homework.Thats where the book i read comes into."The year i turned 16"I totally enjoyed reading this book;.It was just full of all the ingredients raging hormones,boys,snoopy mothers,irritating brothers and doting dads make their presence at perfect times. The book is a little bit of you and me ,the girl is a spirited young girl with a flair to write but suffering with not so high ambitions.Try reading this:)
Read more...>> November 19, 2008
I am: What I choose to be at any given point in time. A living bundle of contradictions
I think: i am a loser
I know: i am going to regret writing this post
I want:to sleep @ the moment
I have: nothing useful to while away the time
I wish:i never existed
I hate: myself
I miss: a lot @ the moment
I fear: words
I feel: bored
I hear: my voice asking questions
I smell: nothing at the moment
I crave: any nice dessert
I search: for answers to life’s questions and confusions
I wonder: at the futility of social institutions and societal norms.
I regret: what i did
I love: the person i miss this moment badly but never will realize that i love...
I am not: what i sound like or look like
I dance:when i am alone and happy
I sing:sometimes
I cry: very often.
I don't always: love myself.
I fight: for the sheer pleasure of it/ when I'm wronged/when I'm right
I write: when the mood strikes
I win: whenever I try. But the point is I hardly ever try.
I lose: my patience easily.
I never: like to betray someone.
I always: make sure I keep my word.
I confuse: myself. And sometimes ppl around me too.
I listen: when people talk about things that matter to them, despite the short attention span.
I can usually be found: dreaming away to glory
I need: my space, conversation and fodder for my thoughts.
I am happy about: everything I have. Yet I need more.
I imagine: that i could rectify one mistake which i will regret life long
Since the tag was stolen i tag everybody reading this..
Just my confusion
Everybody have to go through changes in life.But why do we have to change ourself for the society or for anything else for that matter.Specially the person you love and believe he/she will be the same forever changes like a spontaneous emission and there the confusion starts.We go through different stages in life.Meet new people have new life in each walk of life.But is it necessary to forget what we are what we do.Or is it the society which changes and brings out a total new person.Some totally forget and as they leave the past behind forgetting everything.Some do it as a duty to keep in touch with the people you have been with.Why do they have to pretend?Why do they have to give a confidence that they will be there forever.Why do they have to lose interest?Do all those people ever have a minute to think how memorable everything was in the past?There are so many "WH" questions i can keep posting for the sake of blogging but am sure i know this is the truth of life and i should accept and move on in life which i dont want to...
Read more...When your bored...
>> November 12, 2008
I heard this site from an article i guess.. I was so bored that it didnt hurt me to check out.. It has crazy and weird ideas when your bored,Has a chat room and can watch videos and play online games.. Do this when your totally bored[:p] Here is the link
Read more...Discovering me..
>> November 09, 2008
For a change i am planning to discover myself.Half the time confused of what i like and what i don't like.So planning to discover the in me...will start off with what all i like doing... its endless so many posts are to be expected... for now here goes the top 5 for today..
People Always Leave...
>> November 04, 2008
I dont know how to tell or how to express the state of my mind for the past one week. It has the fears of future. What will happen to me in the coming days. My Heart beats are uncountable. Full tension prevails even in sleep. I have a continuous shivering in my hands. I stand or sit for a long time without doing anything. I am not able to eat properly. Whenever I see any movie or hear any song I relate it with what going on. No peace of mind. Huge responsibility on my head. Chained dissappointments, feeling alone. My state of responses to others are only irritated version. I often think No one should have such a tension. I feel like I have lost my strengths and powers.I saw a picture saying "People always leave" in my mobile.. I knew the reasons behind all my actions..Why do people have to be self centered and just use others?Why do they have to hurt others in their process of being selfish?
Read more...After a month.. Here i am..
After a month.. There is some spl reason i am wriing today.It is because some one reminded wat fun i had doing this... Any way atleast this time lets see whether i can update continously...Belated Diwali wishes.. And all the best to OBAMA and MCCANINES..[:p] lol..
Read more...Need of Privacy..
>> October 03, 2008
The past week fully i had so many friends coming home specially my college friends.The first time they came home it was fun.Second time was ok.Third time was tolerable.Now its like a every day habit for them to hang out at my place and i am getting irritated.I don't get time to do my work.No privacy.I don't hate them nor i want to complain about this and make it an issue.I don't know to handle this.And i don't understand whats bothering them if i study or not they keep telling i m studious and they don't allow me to take notes listen and do anything for that sake.Why is that i always get bored to people after some time.Any person i talk to or mingle with how much ever interesting they may be its just a week month or year..And i start complaining.. I am seriously sick of this habit of mine.Is something wrong with me?
Read more...Just another part of life..
After a year of being lazy and all that fat i gained by not doing anything is melting.lol.. Its getting tedious day by day and i am desperately in need of holidays which i finally got after a lot convincing to the college authorities.3rd week and its quite good.i have posted about late night talks n chatting and surfing which once upon a time i wanted to get rid off and now i miss all those fun.I am not able to stay awake not even a minute after 10.30.And my dreams are filled with physics and chemistry..I miss my dreams too.[:p]Is college serious?? Or am i taking it like that?I have a lot of fun but feel hectic.No more college for the next four days and i am going to have fun.One of my classmates in college.Quite different character and peculiar.Nice guy.Kiddish face and smart.Good dressing sense and one problem with him is that he pronounces my name wrong which i hate.He seems studious but never opens a word when asked questions.The fun part is i feel connected to him in some sort.Everyday in college i call out his name and say smile and he gives a broad smile.That smile reminds me of some one whom i desperately need now in my life and he is not there for me.I don't know why this guy reminds me of him because they don't have anything in common not even looks but something in someway it reminds me of him.I miss him.
Read more...Story Sunday #4
>> September 28, 2008
"Stop being Childish. You are 30" my neighbour was saying when she opened the door to me. I was taken aback. But since she was looking at her younger daughter, who seemed to be sulking on the sofa, I realised she had probably addressed it to her 13 year old daughter and not to me and I had misheard the 30.
"Hi.Sit. Will be back with coffee" My neighbour said (to me this time) and darted into the kitchen. And I was sitting in her drawing room with her two daughters who were strangely silent. I raised my eyebrows to her other daughter who was 17 and she explained.
"Three days back, a relative Simi came to our house. Sis drew a potrait of Simi to show it to Mum. But Simi also saw the potrait and wanted it. When Sis was out of sight, Mum gave Simi the drawing. Sis got upset over it and refuses to show any of her drawings to Mum, Mum was trying to pacify Sis saying Simi will not be invited again. Sis then drew a drawing with her crayons and showed it to Mum. But sis had drawn only drawn the words "It was mine. U gave it away". Thats why Mum said stop being childish."
At this point the 13 year old broke her silence and said "I didnt say I didnt want Simi to come here. I just want my drawing back. And now Simi has taken it away. I would have given itto Simi, if Mum had asked me. But Mum didnt ask me before giving. Mum had no right to give it.The drawing was mine"
I hesitated then said, "But you wouldnt have been able to draw, if your Mum had not given you all the painting material and not encouraged you, and you drew it to show your Mum, and your Mum didnt give all your drawings. She just gave one away. And she has in the past framed, some of your best drawings.Your Mum is very busy, try to ignore this."
But the little girl sulkily said "It was mine"
Just then my friend entered with the two cups of hot coffee. And the girls left the room. As I sipped the hot coffee, I thought ,thankfully the problem isn't mine.
And then over the coffee pondered
What is mine
Doesn't everything belong to the divine.
If something is not with us due to design
Why be depressed and whine
Instead of accepting it and saying I am still fine
If only the ego's invitation we could decline
And ask ourself, What indeed is mine...
Story Sunday #3
>> September 21, 2008
She knew she was supposed to feel happy and excited. Neighbours and friends filled their house and there was an impromptu party. Tears of joy ran down her parent's cheeks. Everyone wanted to be photographed with her and kisses were showered on her cheeks. Perhaps I am numb from joy, she dejectedly thought. She heard her father taking credit for the battle she had fought.
Few months back, in the first round of another singing competition, she had been eliminated. And she remembered their harsh reaction, to her blunder. They had called her a loser and had scorned her aspirations. It had hurt to lose in the competition, but nothing matched the hurt, of being disowned. The shame she felt, when her parents, said they were ashamed of her. Surely there was more to her than her performance?
Perhaps its tough love, she reasoned to herself. But wouldn't it have been wonderful, if they had been there for her, even when she lost, she wondered.
Its not the time to think, just enjoy the moment, she told herself.
Yet, wished, those around her would, love not just the victory, but also herself.
Failure is an orphan while success has many fathers,she realised, as she smiled at everyone who had gathered.
Yet, she wanted to say, Instead of just giving me this wonderful toast,
Where were you all, when I needed you the most.
Once upon a time, in the past..
>> September 18, 2008
Once upon a time..
..I loved the past
But now I've gone forward...
I've realized I cannot love the past while I'm in the present, so I let go...
I let go of those memories that held me captive for so long..
Those dreams I once knew that were brought to life by you,
Now are only there to help me fall asleep at night
I am going on by myself..
I am going forward into my future with hopes that my new dreams will someday come true just like you had done for me..
Once upon a time, in the past..
I Miss you
I know that you're my destiny
because i know this is real
and i know that you love me
because you show how you feel
I know that you're my Breath
and that we were meant to be
because i know that your love
is all i seem to need
I know that you're my life
and how i feel deep down is sincere
because when i'm with you i'm complete
and I always want you near
I know that you're my love
because you sweep me off my feet
and your touch is so tender
it makes my heart skip a beat
I know that you're my destiny
and i love the sweet things you do
but , all-n-all
i really love you ..
With out my love...
Upon my pillowcase,
Soaked with salty tears
Is perched a diary,
Filled with forgotten fears
Alongside the terrors
Ring a bell of gold
Inside a marble tower
My story will unfold
Pale stars trail behind
A long forgotton path
Memories are erased
And unto me is wrath
The room echos now
with the haunting voice of me
Calling from the diary
Reaching into night to see
A smudged world
where without my sorrow
Without my love
Life sings bitter and hollow ..
College life..
>> September 17, 2008
I feel like its long since i wrote.. too many to pen down.. this week my college life had begun.. the real one.. [those who know me know the meaning of this] lol...two days of college n i think i started liking the college.. full of north indian students.. i met few interesting people the very first day..n more over i learned to travel by train.. my transport to college is tiresome..but enjoyable..i hope to ve a gud beginning to my life here.. n yeah ragging i forgot to mention that.. i have seen ragging in movies and read..Now was my time to experience.. None of my college seniors know to rag.. They just simply do that for namesake and to show that they are seniors.. Anyway whatever it is .. i like the atmosphere n four more years of the same..hope i enjoy it.
Read more...STORY SUNDAY #2
>> September 14, 2008
A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
SON: "Daddy, may I ask you a question?"
DAD: "Yeah sure, what is it?"
SON: "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?"
DAD: "That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?"
SON: "I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?"
DAD: "If you must know, I make 100 an hour."
SON: "Oh," the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: "Daddy, may I please borrow 50?"
The father was furious, "If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I work hard everyday for such this childish behavior."
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that 50 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door."Are you asleep, son?" He asked."No daddy, I'm awake," replied the boy."I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier" said the man."It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the 50 you asked for."The little boy sat straight up, smiling. "Oh, thank you daddy!" He yelled.Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills. The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father."Why do you want more money if you already have some?" the father grumbled."Because I didn't have enough, but now I do," the little boy replied."Daddy, I have 100 now, can I buy an hour of your time?Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you. "The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness.It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without spending some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our heart.
Do remember to share that 100 worth of your time with someone you love. If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family and friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than onto our family.
Photo Friday # 2
>> September 12, 2008
The intricately designed flower mats-POOKOLAM
Kala Vela festival
Onam Sadhya-Spl dishes of Onam/'Kaanam Vittum Onam Unnanam'
Snake boat Race in the pampa river..
Chinna thiru onam vanthalo....
Harvest festival of kerala is here..Thiruvonam. Not a keralite though my best friend is one.Here is what i heard from her about this important festival of kerala.and my photo friday #2 is going to be on onam..It is said that according to a popular legend this festival of harvest is celebrated to welcom king mahabali ,whose spirit is said to visit kerala at the festive time.This is a ten day festival and the first day and the tenth day are said to be important.Kerala means coconuts and boat races.who can forget the enchanting backwaters.The enchanting feature of Onam is the snake boat race vallamkali.The traditional games,cultural activities,folk dances add more colours to the zest of celebration.The pookolam is another intersting feature in this festival.Its nothing but intrigately designed flower mats in the courtyards of the houses with lamp decorations is a cultural activity. Happy onam to all....
Read more...Too much to forget..
>> September 11, 2008
September 11 -- This is turning out to be an unforgettable day.Most of us remember the 9/11 attacks in US.Today take minute to remember them all.Leaving that the most cute couple in kollywood celebrating their second wedding anniversary today--SURYA AND JYOTHIKA.Happy Anniversary to them.Birthday of one of the gorgeous top actress in kolly wood.Happy birthday to Shriya Saran.Well considering the date i too have something with this.My first day of college.I had the inauguration celebration and a start to my new life.All the best to me..lol..
Read more...Photo Friday #1
>> September 09, 2008
Vivo city,the shopping mall in singapore
@ dark..
The letter VIVO architectured in the ceilings..
Paying fine teaches lessons
>> September 01, 2008
A day with a good start ended with disappointment.Well it was my fault though.I went to Landmark book store along with a friend of mine in search of calligraphy books and landed paying fine to the traffic police even before i went.I didn't have a license,No helmet,Wrong route.. A perfect end.Guess i was lucky today the policeman was kind enough to let me go with a fine of 100 bucks.Thanks to him.If he had pressed charges for all the three i would never would have ended up buying the books.That was a narrow escape.When i came home and told my father about it i had hell lot of dialouges waiting which i knew even before he said.First thing Past three years my father is pressing me to take a license which i have not even listened.Now i get caught i m not allowed to drive anymore without a license..That puts me off.Planning to get a Learners license this week so i could apply for original license.Some times payings fines do teach lesson which i regret later.
Read more...Gud Bye to ALL INGS-MessagING,BrowsING,TalkING,IMING..
>> August 31, 2008
The time i am writing this post is 4.30 am.I am mentioning this for a reason.Just an hour ago i just opened my laptop started browsing and logged into messanger.The minute i logged there were four to five windows popping up.All said the same word of welcome-- HYE,HI,HALO,HEY.. continuing with all of them.I texted my friend.Usually i do this late night phone talks which i always enjoyed.When i dont talk i text or IM or browse.While just going through websites i found something which caught my eye.While i was reading my dad knocked and ask me to sleep early.This is always his routine dailouge as a good child i always tell yes.I don't really sleep early.My bed time is usually after 1 sometimes does extend till early morning.Back to the article which i was reading.I m writing this post because of the article.I ll come to what the article says.It was mainly for teens who stay awake the night doing the same things as me.It just says how this technology stuff spoils the sleep.There were days where people had bad opinions or call names when they came home after it was dark.ie after 6 or 7.Then slowly it changed to 9 and 10.Now people are hi-fi and are called freaks or be popular only if they don't sleep at night, come home late.Specialy adolescent who like to tell 'I m freaky,I m so this Hi-Fi gal,I m modern--ish.." spend the nights like me.[Doesn't mean i am all that..:p] That article struck me like lightening.My parents have been telling me these for years.Still i found that late night phone talks were better than the morning sunrise.Its not that i am planning to change my routine because i read this article.Most of the days last week i had to get up early inspite of staying awake the whole night and the whole day i had some or the other work so i couldn't even get a nap.Ended up a non lazy day.I kind off liked that feeling.Getting up early i was able to finish most of the things i wanted too.I ran out of work and got bored and wanted to do something rather than sleeping.I got time clean my room and do most of the things which i wanted to do.Either i didnt find time or was lazy.But waking up early i found this new girl in me where i didn't want to be lazy.Atleast i wanted to have that good feeling.Still i couldn't make that early bird practise regularly.That article i read atleast made me remember the good feeling which i want to bring up.And i want to write this because there are people who are like me.I feel this is also kinda FrEaKiSh!! lol.. My resolution for the rest of this month Early bed early rise.. ALL INGS Are going to miss me Except SLEEPING.. I think i have missed enough of it.. Good Night!!
Read more...Never you can win over me..
I've known loneliness before
You can never tie me down
I shall live alone
And rise above you
You think I'll Cry,
But my eyes are dry
I'll Walk alone ,
But with pride
You think you win
But Oh! Alas!you've failed.
I can fly high
And stillI'll walk alone
Never you can win over me!
That Day..
I am sorry are soothing words
That are normally used
Without thinking to avoid discussion
With thinking,to wipe away everything.
At times, during talk
Voices raise high,
Loss of patience,
Lack of foresight,
Fuel to the flames,
Veils of self pride,
One day,One Minute
You will realize
One's errors and slips
That day....Adopt the graceful use of the word"Sorry"
Fell In Love..
“Oops not again..” I checked my watch again as if that would make the time go slower. I knew the bus would have gone. To confirm it, I got a message from Sonam “bus came ...wru”.
I had an onsite call at 8.30. As usual I called the only person I think of, whenever I am in trouble.” Hello.. Tell me”’ that was his sleepy voice. I didn’t know whether I should ask him to drop me to office now. He had started from office at 12 the previous night. I was still thinking all this when he asked “Are u in the bus?” “No I missed it by 2 minutes “as if missing it by 2 minutes was good enough. “Ok I will pick u up in 20 minutes” “but u came so late yesterday, u sleep. I will go by auto.” “No. I have some work and I am hungry.. Didn’t have anything properly yesterday night”
I reached office well in time to have breakfast. After call I had little work. And I found out the so called work for Rahul was sleeping at my desk till he got a call from his PM. That was Rahul.. Full of fun, my best friend. Friends for almost a year, there was little we didn’t know about each other. It is said that girls share every little secret with their best friends. Rahul was patient enough to hear all the gossip and my jealous stories about other girls. (In turn I had to listen to his sports and tech stuff and his comments about girls (beautiful according to his dictionary)).
We all were looking for pongal holidays, which meant pongal and sugarcane instead of pizza and coffee. I was looking forward to seeing all my cousins. I enjoyed those 5 days more than what I expected. On the first day it took me around midnight to realize I needed some sleep. When I checked my mobile before sleeping, it had 15 messages from Rahul. I felt happy and guilty for not seeing them before. I called him and we talked for 2 hours. Next day my brother asked me “were u on phone the whole night” “no only for some time and it was Rahul”. I don’t know y all the brothers are so protective about their sisters. My brother didn’t like the reply “Who ever it was… what’s the need for u to talk at such an odd hour.” My mom came to my support and asked my brother not ask any more questions to me. On the day when I had to leave, my mom was packing snacks for me when she said “I know u and Rahul are good friends but take care others don’t mistake it”.I didn’t expect this from her, I asked her “what do u think?” “It doesn’t matter what I think, u can’t go and explain it to everyone” .there was something in her voice which made me promise her that we were good friends and there was nothing to worry about.
I wanted to tell Rahul all this. After office v went to ice cream parlor. I was telling him everything I did for d past 5 days. When I asked him what he did. He replied “I fell in love with u” I thought it was one of his jokes. He told me to think properly and give him an answer the next day. Later in the night I was in bed trying to sleep but mind was full of what Rahul had told me. From the time he had left me in parlor, he had messaged me telling me about his love for me. I knew Rahul will also be awake. For some reason I didn’t want to talk to him now. I was sure if Rahul was in love with some other girl, I would be the first one to help him in every possible way. But the girl being me was something which I was not able to cope up with.
I don’t know when I slept. I had his photo beside me when I slept. My best friend wanted to be my lover.
Rahul was waiting for me in Food Court. My mind was saying NO and my heart said YES. He gave me a chocolate and asked me what my decision was. It was my heart which replied first leaving the mind to rest for some time. “Yes” that’s what came out of my mouth. That day was my happiest day. Everything changed after that day. Each and every second I was thinking about him. It was so wonderful to be in love. We treasured every moment we spend together.
I could say I got my first heart attack or it stopped working when my dad told me they had seen a guy for me. They wanted me to come home during the weekend to meet the guy and his family. I discussed this with Rahul and we decided I should tell my parents about him. We took leave on Friday and visited all the temples we could (I was appearing for an exam after many years). I boarded my bus with a smile on my face and told him I will surely convince my parents.
My results were declared the next second I came out with the answer.” he is from a different caste. U can’t marry him”. I was not going to live with his caste but in his heart which didn’t have any caste. But destiny had something else for me.
Dad had a heart attack. I had cried so many times during my childhood for chocolates, dresses and what not. I saw dad crying for the first time in my life. Mom kept telling me how much they loved me and everything they did was for my good. My brother stopped talking to me. At last I had to say “YES” for the guy (I didn’t knew whether It was my heart or mind which said it)
Mom said she will talk to Rahul and explain things. But I wanted to tell it myself. I told him everything over the phone. He told me he will ask his parents to come and talk to my parents. I told him to forget me. He wasn’t ready to hear that. He said he will do anything to marry me. Slowly I started ignoring his calls. I couldn’t think about telling him to forget me. It pained even to think about that. I got engaged and returned to office with invitations to hand over.
I met Rahul in the ice cream parlor. I told him I was getting married to the guy my parents have seen. He said he can’t live without me. I told him I can’t do anything. He shouted at me and left. I knew he cried d whole night. He started ignoring me from that day. The day before my marriage I hid all our photos and gifts in a room in my parents place. I was trying to lock all my old memories. I got married. Rahul never spoke to me after that.
My mobile was ringing. It was Rahul.”hey wake up or u will miss your bus today also”
I thought about the dream I had. Rahul was waiting for me in Food Court. My mind was saying NO and my heart said YES. He asked me whether it was a “YES” or “NO”. My mind replied “NO”. I knew I was breaking his heart. But I didn’t want him to suffer later. If he feels now, I will be there to take care of him. He was my best friend and I wanted him to be there with me for ever as a friend. I hope he soon realizes that all the love stories don’t end in marriage. “I am sorry Rahul”
Photo Fridays and Story sundays
Planning to do this in my blog.I like photography.I like writing.Why not improve and learn more.So here i start from this week onwards.My Blog is going to have Photo Fridays where i am planning to upload photos and story sundays are going to be short stories every week.Beginning a new step.How far is this is going to go..Lets wait and watch.
P.S :Not all photos would be photographed by me.Not all Stories would be written by me.
Chennai Running for a cause-MARG CHENNAI MARATHON

The past is never dead, it is not even past!
>> August 21, 2008
We do not remember days, we remember moments.There are moments in life which remain precious forever.I never thought memories have good healing powers and give what life needed.It did for me.The memories of my past have made be smile today.It brought back the ingredients lost.It gave me happiness.Happy memories,Sad memories,Fun memories whatever they might be all must be cherished.One day it will be needed to add spice in life.It will make up for the ingredients lost.May give a new memory too.Never have i thought back about anything in the past until needed.When i did it today it proved fruitful.It made me happy and cheerful.And i learnt memoreis are just not things to be remembered but something precious to cherish eternally however they maybe.Today it was like a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things.Life is a rough biography. Memories smooth out the edges.
Every man's memory is his private literature. ~Aldous Huxley
>> August 17, 2008
I got a calligraphy lettering set as a gift for my birthday. Looks like i have developed craze over this new thing.I have been looking around books for this and tracked few.Still looking for beginers guide though.I never really had interests in drawing or painting any part of my life.Suddenly here i am in one of the arts.Wondering why this sudden interest? I realised it when i was telling my friend about this.1.The person who gave me these.may be.. lol Thanks for the gft 2.I always loved my writing.3.Proud of my handwriting. Surely it must be these reasons.I have started off well.Lets see how long its going to go.
Read more...My Birthday!
After a long time turned to the side of blogging again..I want to dump more i guess..
Lets start of 14th august.. My birthday.. An excited day an awaiting day of the year..i hve turned 19..The past 18 years i have always looked forward for this day.Its fun and always excited..I expect lots of gifts..And always i wanted to have fun and only fun.And pretty much it always end up like what i expect.This birthday was never exciting like the rest.The point here is it should be because i got lots of gifts more than the previous ones and most importantly i was with the people i loved truly however they were.I never had people like that before.It started off with crying and most importantly this birthday was the only one i had experienced all the emotions i have ever known.Frustration,Hatred,Surprise,Angry,Sad,Happy..what ever i have known..except excitement which i always had..Lately trying to find out the reason i have failed.Like all ends well it was quite ok.But i found it the unluckiest days of all.I had a special dinner planned and to start of i ruined it by forgetting quite a fewthings.Then an accident..Then a bad news..everything right in front of me spoiling the whole dinner plan which was to be fun.I did have fun.Not real fun.The whole night i was guilty and blamed myself being an unlucky charm for the people with me.I did get gifts which cheered me up here and there.How i wish it could be the best of birthdays..All dreams never come true...
Importance of 14th August
>> July 28, 2008
My birthday date 14th August i wanted to know what other things are happening except my birthday.I only knew it was the independance day of PAKISTAN. Browsing through pages i finally found a few.I landed on this site which gave me a brief history
1945: World War II ends.Japan agrees to surrender to the Allies. The decision, which brought an end to the most costly war in human history, came after a momentous week that saw two U.S. atomic bombs dropped on Japan and a declaration of war by the Soviets. In the evening, 1,000 Japanese army officers attacked the imperial palace with the intention of seizing a recorded message of Emperor Hirohito announcing the surrender; the imperial guards repulsed them. The next day, Hirohito's speech, which asked his people to endure the unendurable, was played on national radio, and hundreds of millions of people around the world celebrated V-J Day. Victory over Japan.
1986Pakistan politician Benazir Bhutto, eldest daughter of former president Ali Bhutto who had been executed for murder and corruption in 1979, is arrested and detained in prison under the orders of President Zia.
197915 yachtsmen are killed by a Force 10 gale during the Fastnet Yacht Race.
1979Former MP John Stonehouse is released from prison after being jailed for trying to fake his own death.
1969British troops are deployed in Northern Ireland - to help quell sectarian riots in Londonderry.
1969Keith Castle becomes the first British patient to receive a heart transplant.
1948Australian cricketer Don Bradman plays his last Test match innings at the Oval Cricket Ground in London. After receiving a standing ovation, he is bowled out for nought - blinded, its claimed, by the tears in his eyes.
1948Opening of the Olympic Games in London.
1945World War II: Follwoing the dropping of atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan surrenders to Allies to end World War II. VJ Day, Victory over Japan, is officially celebrated on August 15th.
1928The world's first scheduled television programmes are broadcast by WRNY in New York.
1908Staging of Britain's first international beauty contest - at the Pier Hippodrome in Folkestone.
1900End of the two-month Boxer Rebellion against European involvement in China when an international force, including British, American, Italian and Japanese troops, relieves the foreign legations which had been under siege in Beijing.
1893The world's first car registration plates are introduced in France.
1881Completion of the construction of Cologne Cathedral - the work having been started in 1248.
1946American TV actress Susan St James.
1867English writer John Galsworthy.
1978English dance band conductor Victor Sylvester.
1956German playwright and poet Bertolt Brecht.
1951US publishing tycoon William Randolph Hearst.
1969: British troops sent into Northern Ireland
The British Government sends troops into Northern Ireland in what it says is a "limited operation" to restore law and order.
1980: Shipyard Poles strike for their rightsShipyard workers in Gdansk, Poland, strike in protest over the dismissal of a trade union activist
2000: Rescuers race to save stricken KurskA rescue operation is underway to save the lives of more than 100 sailors on board a Russian submarine grounded at the bottom of the Barents Sea.
1979: Freak storm hits yacht raceDozens of yachts are lost and at least three people killed after a freak storm blows during the Fastnet yacht race.
1941: Secret meetings seal US-Britain allianceUS President Franklin D Roosevelt and UK PM Winston Churchill agree plans for downfall of Hitler.
2001: Setback for NI peace processThe IRA says it is withdrawing a proposal it made last week on putting its weapons beyond use.
2003: Lights go out across NE AmericaMassive power failures cause chaos across the eastern United States and Canada, hitting cities such as New York and Ottawa.
>> July 27, 2008
Chinmayee sriprada..I just know her as a celebrity.I jus came across her profile in orkut n happened to see her blog link there.I started reading it yesterday and atlast finally found time just now to finish it.This girl she is just amazing.I dont know how she manages i was stunned when i read the profile and the blog.I was like ARE THERE PPL LIKE HER IN THE WORLD? i hardly had opinions on her before i started.Now that i am finished I can hardly think about anything else except her.A VJ,RJ,TRANSLATOR,SINGER-- Wat not i even saw her mentioning she could dance..I am just awestruck.I started adoring her almost.The way she just presented herself it was a goodfeeling.The way she carried out her words and presented it made them alive.I adore her for her talents.Does GOD give all the talents to a single person?May be yes sometimes.Chinmayee is one of a kind.Keep it up!Though i cant bless u for i am younger than you i can wish you still.All the best!Keep going!
P.S--Bad at spelling and grammar..sry!
"This is what dreams are made off .." My first blog..Thats where i entered into the world of blogging.Now i think i am just a new entry i am not pretty sure of everything.Though I am trying to learn and get better..I am into another one here BRAINDUMP.This is to post what i feel.I know BLOG is for that but this is going to be a real Brain dump.WARNING..[:p] Any ways lets see how far it goes.