Need of Privacy..

>> October 03, 2008

The past week fully i had so many friends coming home specially my college friends.The first time they came home it was fun.Second time was ok.Third time was tolerable.Now its like a every day habit for them to hang out at my place and i  am getting irritated.I don't get time to do my work.No privacy.I don't hate them nor i want to complain about this and make it an issue.I don't know to handle this.And i don't understand whats bothering them if i study or not they keep telling i m studious and they don't allow me to take notes listen and do anything for that sake.Why is that i always get bored to people after some time.Any person i talk to or mingle with how much ever interesting they may be its just a week month or year..And i start complaining.. I am seriously sick of this habit of mine.Is something wrong with me?


Ramadan Mubarak

>> October 01, 2008

HappY Ramzan!!Eid Mubarak to all !!!


Just another part of life..

After a year of being lazy and all that fat i gained by not doing anything is Its getting tedious day by day and i am desperately in need of holidays which i finally got after a lot convincing  to the college authorities.3rd week and its quite good.i have posted about late night talks n chatting and surfing which once upon a time i wanted to get rid off and now i miss all those fun.I am not able to stay awake not even a minute after 10.30.And my dreams are filled with physics and chemistry..I miss my dreams too.[:p]Is college serious?? Or am i taking it like that?I have a lot of fun but feel hectic.No more college for the next four days and i am going to have fun.One of my classmates in college.Quite different character and peculiar.Nice guy.Kiddish face and smart.Good dressing sense and one problem with him is that he pronounces my name wrong which i hate.He seems studious but never opens a word when asked questions.The fun part is i feel connected to him in some sort.Everyday in college i call out his name and say smile and he gives a broad smile.That smile reminds me of some one whom i desperately need now in my life and he is not there for me.I don't know why this guy reminds me of him because they don't have anything in common not even looks but something in someway it reminds me of him.I miss him.

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